OB-GYN in Jackson & Flowood MS
Experienced OB-GYN Doctors
in East Lakeland
East Lakeland OB/GYN Associates, P.A. in Jackson & Flowood MS is a medical practice where patients can find just what they seek.
We focus on treating the whole patient, while specializing in obstetrics and gynecology.
Our five doctors and two nurse practitioners have the professional and personal experience to provide healthcare for women, by women, and live out our mission every day for every patient. Find areas we serve here.
“Healthcare for Women by Women”
What We Do?
Obstetrician and Gynecology Services
4D Ultrasound
This new technology enables you to see your unborn baby with new clarity. Soft-tissue structures, such as the nose and lips, are better visualized, giving you a clearer picture of your baby’s face.
Patient Visits Last Year
Babies Delivered Last Year
Doctors Combined Experience (Years)
Practice Year Established
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Blog Posts
Freda M. Bush, M.D.
Feb. 25, 1947 – January 15, 2023 To all the patients who loved Dr. Freda M. Bush, it is with heavy hearts that we are sharing this news. Surrounded by her family, Dr. Bush passed away peacefully on Sunday, January 15th. We ask that you keep her family in your...
Get Your Recommended COVID-19 Vaccine During Pregnancy
Get Your Recommended COVID-19 Vaccine During Pregnancy Being pregnant puts you at higher risk of getting very sick if you get COVID-19, and getting COVID-19 could cause complications with your pregnancy. Get a COVID-19 vaccine for your health and for the health of...
Clinical Pearls – Breastfeeding & Alcohol
Levels of alcohol in milk closely parallel maternal blood alcohol concentrations.It is not necessary to pump & dump milk after consuming alcohol, but expressing milk can maintain supply and avoid complications of engorgement if a feeding is being delayed.Alcohol...