What Age Does Menopause Start?

What Age Does Menopause Start?

For many women, we spend decades of our lives managing the symptoms that go along with menstruating. Bloating, cramps, mood swings, not to mention bleeding for a handful of days, sometimes at the most inconvenient times (or in the most inconvenient outfits). There is,...
7 Reasons You Might Gain Weight During Your Period

7 Reasons You Might Gain Weight During Your Period

If you’ve ever stepped on the scale just before your period starts, you might have noticed you’re up a few pounds. But before you start freaking out, you should know that weight gain during your period is a very common side effect. There are a number of physical and...
What is PCOS?

What is PCOS?

Polycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS, is a condition characterized by irregular periods, evidence of excess hormones, and enlargement of the ovaries on ultrasound with multiple small fluid-filled sacs or follicles. PCOS is more common in obese women and is one of the...
Can I do anything about vaginal dryness?

Can I do anything about vaginal dryness?

This is a common question among many age groups of women. The first thing to consider is “What is causing the vaginal dryness?” Sometimes, causes could be infectious, such as a yeast infection or hormonal causes from a lack of estrogen. For this particular...
What birth control should I use?

What birth control should I use?

There are many different forms of non-hormonal and hormonal contraceptives available over the counter and with a prescription.  Here is the quick version answer on the most popular contraceptives we use: The most common is the “birth control pill”, which is oral...
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