News – The Latest About Our OB-GYN Services in Jackson & Flowood

7 Things You Should Never Do Before Seeing Your Doctor

7 Things You Should Never Do Before Seeing Your Doctor

Don’t drink coffee before a blood pressure test If you’re going in for a regular doctor visit, you’re probably going to have your blood pressure taken. So, it’s best to avoid coffee right before your appointment because it could affect the results. ‘Using coffee or...

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Welcome our new doctor – Dr. Michelle Taheri

Welcome our new doctor – Dr. Michelle Taheri

We are happy to welcome Dr. Michelle Taheri to the East Lakeland team! Dr. Michelle Taheri will start on June 17th and will be available for appointments. If you want to make an appointment today, visit our page here.

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6 Easy Tips to Make Your Coffee Super Healthy

6 Easy Tips to Make Your Coffee Super Healthy

Many scientists believe that coffee is one of the healthiest beverages in the world. For some people, it’s the single largest source of antioxidants in the diet, outranking both fruits and vegetables combined. Its health benefits, say some researchers, may range from...

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What is PCOS?

What is PCOS?

Polycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS, is a condition characterized by irregular periods, evidence of excess hormones, and enlargement of the ovaries on ultrasound with multiple small fluid-filled sacs or follicles. PCOS is more common in obese women and is one of the...

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Can I do anything about vaginal dryness?

Can I do anything about vaginal dryness?

This is a common question among many age groups of women. The first thing to consider is “What is causing the vaginal dryness?" Sometimes, causes could be infectious, such as a yeast infection or hormonal causes from a lack of estrogen. For this particular instance,...

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Blood Types in Pregnancy

Blood Types in Pregnancy

In life, your blood type only truly matters when you need a blood transfusion and when you are pregnant. Let’s talk about the latter scenario. Your blood type is made up of two components, represented by a the letter and a positive or negative. Blood types describe...

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What birth control should I use?

What birth control should I use?

There are many different forms of non-hormonal and hormonal contraceptives available over the counter and with a prescription.  Here is the quick version answer on the most popular contraceptives we use: The most common is the "birth control pill”, which is oral...

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Why am I not pregnant yet?

Why am I not pregnant yet?

Women, and sometimes husbands, come in asking this question. If they haven’t been taking preventative measures, they'll ask “Why haven't we gotten pregnant?" There can be many answers to that question. The first aspect we usually ask is about timing. If you aren't...

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When should my teen daughter start seeing the gynecologist?

When should my teen daughter start seeing the gynecologist?

People ask all the time “when should my daughter start seeing the gynecologist?” And honestly, the answer actually varies on the individual young woman. American College of OB/GYN recommends pap smears begin at age 21, regardless of sexual activity or not. But...

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